Exceptional ranking of AVS Legal by Legal 500
AVS Legal is ranked as one of the most prominent law firms in Serbia in the latest research of the international directory Legal 500.
Easier way for foreigners to regulate their status in the Republic of Serbia
In order to expedite the procedure of regulating residence permit and obtaining work permit for the foreigners, significant changes to the relevant regulations are envisaged, the introduction of which has begun in 2019, with amendments to the Law on Foreigners and the Law on Employment of Foreigners.
Ministry’s Guide for safe and healthy work from home is published
Having in mind the Covid 19 pandemic, which requires adapting to the situation by the employees and the employers, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs – Directorate for Safety and Health at Work (“Ministry”), published on 18 January 2021 the Guide for safe and healthy work from home (“Guide”), in order to facilitate work from home, for both the employees and the employers.
The application of the Archival Material and Archival Activity Act starts this February
The Archival Material and Archival Activity Act (“Official Gazette RS”, No. 6/2020), will begin to apply on 2 February 2021. Considering that it applies to all creators and holders of archival and documentary material (hereinafter: the “Creators”), the new regime will affect not only the organization of archives and archival activities, but also companies and entrepreneurs in Serbia, especially the matter of new obligations for these subjects and stricter penal policy.
Serbia adopted the Digital Property Act
The previous decade has been marked by major digital technology breakthroughs that outline the new “techno-economic paradigm”, hence in several countries the issue of legal shaping of the newly created financial and business patterns has opened up. Accordingly, on December 17th, 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Digital Property Act (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 153/2020), which made Serbia one of the pioneers in establishing a regulatory framework in this domain.